
Best quality inspections, best prices, best work with cooperation & Collarboration

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Hello worldwide car dealer and clients, Fast reply, Fast movement. Will be the best

Business motto [ Make the impossible to possible ] Recently exported country * Albania * Sweden * Kyrgystan * Georgia * Azerbaian * Russia

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Diagnostic evaluation

Evaluation is done as follows.

  • Check engine condition

    We diagnose important engine conditions in detail with diagnostic evaluation equipment and experience.

  • Transmission

    It is difficult to directly diagnose the vehicle mission status, we deliver interpretations and opinions through long experience.

  • Precise Accident

    Accurately captures the basic accident.

  • Defect notification by vehicle

    Know the characteristics of the car, check the compatibility of each vehicle, and notify the customer.

  • Car Auction House Recommendations

    We recommend used car auction houses operated by large corporations, and then proceed with the vehicle auction.

  • Used car pricing

    Compare and analyze online and offline used car prices and present the best price to customers.

Customer Reviews

Check out real customer reviews!



  • JONE2

    Super man, he works 365days 24hours.
    He is super fast, every works are clear.
    Nothing to complain to him.
    Just work with this man

  • Milo80

  • Nicktirana

    Professional, nice to colaborate, good communication skills, positive... just ask him for anything and he will figure out something.

  • Yonadan

    This was first time to make some business with Terry.
    I was worried about recieving my cars in Country.

    But Terry had handle everything purchasing the car and shipping.
    I had some troubles but Terry had handled everything without any problems.

    Also his work was sooo fast that I couldnt follow it.
    I strongly recommend to work with Terry. He has fast works and makes everythings stable.

    No worries, Just work with Terry.

  • William

    SSANCAR, no need to worry about being deceived

    Shall I buy a car? Right on the go!

      Like fate, I found a car I like at SSANCAR Auction.

    In fact, those who want to buy a car from SSANCAR must have figured out what to look for.

    I also looked into it in advance and checked out all of them, but knowing that SSANCAR doesn't post false diagnoses or photos, and the evaluators keep meticulous records, I trusted what I saw in the photos and applied for the purchase service.

    There were some problems, but they solved them so quickly and perfectly that my confidence increased.


Registration Number:662-81-00898

Provision business:No.11-1116-00001
